Dr. King's home page
Links related to neuroscience
- Anatomy Neuroscience
Links | People
| Organizations
| History
| Lists
of links | Reference
- Essays by David King
- Bill Calvin's web
page, introducing his books and papers on brain research.
- Jack Pettigrew's
web page
- J.D. Pettigrew and S.M. Miller, A
'sticky' interhemispheric switch in bipolar disorder?, Proceedings
of the Royal Society B, 265:2141-2148
(1998). [PDF]
- John D. Pettigrew, Searching
for the Switch: Neural Bases for Perceptual Rivalry Alternations,
Brain and Mind (in
press, special issue on binocular rivalry).
- Perceptual
Rivalry and Reversible Figures.
- Autobiographical
sketch (from newsletter, International Society
for Neuroethology).
- Sandlance
(movie of interhemispheric switching reflected in
fish eye-movement).
- Miller, S. M., Gynther, B. D., Heslop, K. R., Liu, G. B., Mitchell,
P. B., Ngo, T. T., Pettigrew, J. D., & Geffen, L. B. (2003). Slow
binocular rivalry in bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine
33: 683-692.
- Miscellaneous
Comments and questions: dgking@siu.edu
Department of Zoology e-mail: zoology@zoology.siu.edu
Comments and questions related to web server: webmaster@science.siu.edu
SIUC / College
of Science / Zoology / Faculty
/ David King
URL: http://www.zoology.siu.edu/king/neurlink.htm