Materials available on the Compact Disc accompanying the text Evolution, by Mark Ridley.
510 index page
Our textbook comes with a disc containing materials for use as study-aids or for course enrichment.
This page summarizes the contents of the disc.
- Classic Texts
- Noteworthy scientific papers and excerpts from significant books.
- Click here to see the list of papers.
- Video Gallery
- A collection of short video interviews with prominent figures in current evolutionary biology.
- Each person offers brief comments on each of several fundamental questions in evolution.
- These clips provide an unusual opportunity to see and hear these personalities "live".
- Click here to see a list of the persons and topics presented.
- Tutorial
- Step-by-step review for each chapter.
- Questions for self-testing.
- Browser
- Illustrated A-to-Z encyclopedia of terms.
- This could be very useful to have open while reading the text.
- Image Gallery
- A collection of photos, mostly of various organisms.
- Each example illustrates some evolutionary idea.
- Virtual Experiments
- Demonstrations rather than experiments
- Each illustrates graphically the outcome of a simple evolutionary process.
- Click here to see the subjects.
- Timeline
- A brief chronology of evolutionary time, from the origin of the earth to the present.
- Significant events and forms of life are noted.

Classic Texts
- Cain, A.J. "The perfection of animals."
- Carson, H.L. "Chromosomal sequences and interisland colonizations in Hawaiian Drosophila."
- Coyne, J.A. & Orr, H.A. "Patterns of speciation in Drosophila."
- Darwin, Charles "The Origin of Species, chapter 3."
NOTE: The full text of Darwin's most famous book is available online here.
- Darwin, Charles "The Origin of Species, chapter 14."
NOTE: The full text of Darwin's most famous book is available online here.
- Dobzhansky, T. & Pavlovsky, O. "An experimental interaction between genetic drift and natural selection."
- Erlich, P.R. & Raven, P.H. "Butterflies and plants: A study in coevolution."
- Erlich, P.R. & Raven, P.H. "Differentiation of populations."
- Eldredge, N. & Gould, S.J. "Punctuated equilibria: An alternative to phylogenetic gradualism."
- Fisher, R.A. "The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, chapter 1."
- Fisher, R.A. "The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, chapter 6."
- Gould, S.J. & Lewontin, R.C. "The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm."
- Haffer, J. "Speciation in Amazonian forest birds."
- Haldane, J.B.S "A mathematical theory of natural and artificial selection."
- Haldane, J.B.S "The cost of natural selection."
- Kimura, M. "Evolutionary rate at the molecular level."
- King, J.L. & Jukes, T.H. "Non-Darwinian evolution."
- Mayr, E. "Change of genetic environment and evolution."
- Stirton, R.A. "Observations on evolutionary rates in hypsodonty."
- Wright, S. "The roles of mutation, inbreeding, crossbreeding, and selection in evolution."
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Video Gallery
- Simon Conway Morris
- Why does stasis occur?
- Which fossils are most likely to be preserved?
- How do fossils form?
- How do we distinguish homologies from analogies?
- How true is the theory of punctuated equilibrium?
- Helena Cronin
- What was a world without Darwin like?
- Are adaptationist explanations 'just so' stories?
- What is the unit of selection?
- What is the modern synthesis?
- What is the outstanding problem in evolutionary biology?
- Richard Dawkins
- Are species real?
- Is evolution compatible with religious belief?
- What evidence is there for evolution?
- What is the difference between phenetics and cladism?
- What are evolutionary 'arms races'?
- What are the conditions for natural selection?
- Is it misleading to see DNA as a blueprint for the organism?
- Daniel Dennett
- What is a species?
- Is Darwinism committed to gradualism?
- What is the importance of developmental constraints?
- Are adaptationist explanations inventions imposed on nature?
- Michael Donoghue
- Do species really exist?
- What is wrong with phenetics?
- What is phylogenetic systematics?
- David Haig
- Why does recombination exist?
- What is speciation?
- William Hamilton
- What do males indicate by their sexual displays?
- What is the problem of altruism?
- What is the unit of selection?
- What is puzzling about the peacock's tail?
- Marc Kirschner
- What were the first cells like?
- What were the first eukaryotic cells like?
- Richard Lewontin
- What is an adaptation?
- Is it misleading to see DNA as the blueprint for the organism?
- Does natural selection explain every detail of an organism's structure?
- John Maynard Smith
- What is the 'deleterious mutations' theory of sex?
- Is evolution necessary for speciation?
- What is evolution?
- What is an adaptation?
- To what extent is evolution at the molecular level neutral?
- Linda Partridge
- What is fitness?
- What is a gene?
- What is neutralism?
- What is non-coding DNA?
- What is the molecular clock?
- Naomi Pierce
- What is coevolution?
- Are lycaenid butterflies and formica ants coevolved?
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Virtual Experiments
- Direction of selection.
How the intensity of artificial selection affects trait value.
- Genetic drift.
How population size affects the rate of genetic drift.
- Gene frequency.
How selection coefficient affects gene frequency.
- Mutational load.
How mutation rate affects fitness.
- Sexual reproduction.
How sexual recombination can affect the efficiency of adaptation.
- Sex ratio.
How sex ratio is affected by selection.
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SIUC / College of Science / Zoology / Faculty / David King / 510
Last updated: 18-Jan-2000 / dgk