ZOOL 304

Sex and Evolution

Outside link (Nature Reviews / Genetics, April 2002)

More references:

The following notes (and quoted section headings) are adapted from Chapter 6 of Mark Ridley's textbook, EVOLUTION, 2nd ed. (1996), Blackwell Science, Inc., Cambridge MA. ISBN 0-86542-495-0.

304 index page

"Sex is the queen of problems in evolutionary biology."  (Graham Bell, 1982)

Why are two sexes so different?  The effects of sexual selection (i.e., selection based on competition for access to complementary partners for sexual reproduction).

Why is the sex ratio almost universally 50:50 ?

304 index page

Comments and questions: dgking@siu.edu
Department of Zoology e-mail: zoology@zoology.siu.edu
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SIUC / College of Science / Zoology / Faculty / David King / ZOOL 304
URL: http://www.science.siu.edu/zoology/king/304/sex.htm
Last updated:  24 October 2003 / dgk