ZOOL 304, Class Notes

Chapter 8, March 17 - March 21.

Text reading:  Chapter 8.

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Adaptive evolution is genetic change in a population due to the correlation of hereditary variation with variation in reproductive success.  Understanding adaptive evolution involves understanding all aspects of this success -- essentially, all of ecology and physiology and anatomy and behavior.

The nature of genetic change in populations is understood through the principles of population genetics and quantitative genetics, as introduced in Chapters 3, 4 and 5.  In these disciplines, the correlation between genetic variation and fitness variation is simply presumed and is represented abstractly by selection coefficients (in population genetics ) or by response to selection (in quantitative genetics).  This understanding forms the core of modern evolutionary theory.  

However, neither population genetics nor quantitative genetics explains why the correlation between hereditary variation and variation in reproductive success exists in the first place.  This correlation emerges from a set of causal relationships between genetic differences and trait differences (introduced in Chapter 6, which we have skipped), and a set of causal relationships between trait differences and fitness differences, which are considered broadly in the current chapter, Chapter 8.  Together these relationships form a causal loop which yields ongoing adaptive evolution.

Naturalists and biologists have long admired the precision of adaptation.  Understanding adaptive evolution requires us to do more than notice the "good fit" between each species and its niche.  We must also appreciate how that fit is established and maintained by relative differences in reproductive success among the individuals of each species.  Remember:  Selection cannot favor step-by-step changes toward a trait that might be beneficial in the future, unless each step offers immediate advantage relative to alternative variants that are already present in the population.

In answer to the question, "How are particular trait differences related to fitness differences?", there are as many different answers as there different species.  Unfortunately, determining how particular traits contribute to fitness in nature is often difficult (see adaptation).  However, in cases where both the fitness costs and the fitness benefits of a quantitative trait can be measured (or computed), it becomes possible (in principle) to determine whether adaptation is indeed optimal.  A few general principles can be readily appreciated.  Some of these are introduced in Chapter 8.

Obviously, any adaptive feature of any species might be considered.  The cases which have actually been chosen for intensive investigation are not necessarily those which seem most interesting but rather those which which are especially tractable -- for example, those in which all relevant parameters can be reliably measured and which also permit experimental manipulation.  

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Optimality (pp. 152-154)

The introduction to Chapter 8 presents the basic concept of optimality.  Many (probably all) significant traits involve an adaptive compromise, wherein increasing the trait has some benefits but also some costs and decreasing the trait also has some benefits and some costs.  The presumption is that selection should find an optimum, a trait value where benefit-to-cost ratio is maximized.  

Note the caution at the end of the chapter.  The concept of "optimality" suggests a single best (optimum) value for a trait.  However, in some cases, the "optimum" is not a single best value for every individual but rather an optimal mix of alternative values (such that what is best for each individual is frequency-dependent).  

Also note that an adaptive optimum is generally a local optimum.  The phrase "local optimum" can be readily understood in terms of an abstract adaptive landscape, where fitness is represented as altitude.  The global optimum is the highest mountain peak on the landscape.  A local optimum is any bump or hilltop from which movement in any direction leads downslope.  As applied to adaptation, the important point is that selection always favors variants which have greater local fitness -- that is, selection always pushes a population uphill on the adaptive landscape.  The result should be eventual arrival at some local peak, but with no expectation that this peak is the highest point on the landscape.

The "adaptive landscape" metaphor is attributed to Sewall Wright.

Basic considerations

The next section (pp. 154-156) lists several basic considerations in optimality modelling.

  1. Demography.  Survival and fecundity are related to age and size of organisms.
  2. Heritability.  Only heritable variation is susceptible to optimizing by selection.  (Don't be concerned about the concept of "reaction norms", which was is covered in Chapter 6, p. 118 ff, which we have skipped.)
  3. Trade-offs.  Traits are interrelated both by developmental genetics and by physiology, so that benefits based on changing one trait may entail costs through changes in a related trait.
  4. Phylogeny.  All traits are constrained to some extent by history, by the possibilities and limitations which accompany a particular body plan.

The following points deserve emphasis:

Examples (See text, pp. 156-175, for details and specific examples.)

Optimality modelling is most successful with traits which are related directly to fitness and for which both costs and benefits are amenable to empirical measurement.   Such traits include most basic demographic parameters:

  1. Body size.
  2. Time to maturation (i.e., age at first reproduction).
  3. Number of offspring produced during a given reproductive cycle.
  4. Investment (biomass, energy, time) in producing each offspring.
  5. Total reproductive investment in each reproductive cycle.  
  6. Life span (survival probability as a function of age).

    With respect to each of these traits, IF there were no trade-offs:

    1. Bigger bodies would be better (able to produce more offspring).
    2. Earlier maturation would be better (shorter generation time).
    3. More offspring would be better (self-evident).
    4. Greater investment per offspring would be better (yielding higher probability of survival).
    5. Greater investment per reproductive cycle would be better (yielding more or better offspring).
    6. Longer life would be better (increasing the number of reproductive cycles).

However, increasing the benefit from any one of these traits generally involves a trade-off that decreases the benefit from one or more of the others.  Some of these trade-offs are fairly obvious.  

In general, the particular balance depends on species-specific ecological circumstances, so there is no "one-size-fits all" solution to any optimality problem.  That's part of why optimality studies can be so much fun -- each species poses its own special puzzles.

Extreme examples are provided by the so-called r-strategists and K-strategists.  The labels derive from the equation for population growth, depending on whether the intrinsic rate of increase (r) or the carrying capacity of the environment (K) is more relevant to the outcome of selection.

r-selection.  In environments where resources are abundant and survival probability is relatively unaffected by individual variation, selection will favor profligate production of many cheap offspring (i.e, lots of tiny eggs).  

K-selection.  In environments where resources are limiting and survival probability for each individual depends on its ability to compete effectively with other conspecifics, selection will favor exorbitant investment in each individual offspring (i.e., one or two offspring carefully nurtured to maturity).  

Note that much of the text-book presentation in this chapter consists of extremely abbreviated descriptions rather than careful explanations.  The purpose is to call your attention to a number of curious phenomena where optimality has been investigated.

Life Span
The evolution of life span is nicely discussed in the text.  You should be acquainted with three different explanations for why genetics should influence life span (i.e., why evolution does not automatically favor ever-greater lifespan).  

Sex Ratio
Be acquainted the following explanations for sex rations.

Additional discussion on the evolution of sex ratios (separate page).


Optimality modelling can convert "adaptive story-telling" into quantitative science.  It works best as a test of current understanding.  (This is especially true for life-history strategies which are extreme in one way or another.  Extreme strategies are more likely to be based on unusual circumstances that can be measured.)

If the current value of a trait does not match that predicted by the optimality model, then one or more of the assumptions that entered into the model may be unjustified.

Perhaps one has overlooked some significant cost or benefit.  The sign of the difference between predicted optimum and actual trait value may suggest where to look.  (For example, in the case of sexual reproduction, as discussed in Chapter 7, some substantial benefit may not yet have been adequately assessed.)  

Alternatively, one may have overlooked some constraint, such as absence of sufficient variability, that prevents attainment of optimality.  

In any case, one should avoid using "optimality story-telling" as a substitute for "adaptive story-telling", in which one simply presumes that current values for such traits are indeed optimal.  One must also use caution if the optimality model depends to several unmeasured parameters which may be "fudged" (i.e., adjusted within reasonable bounds) to compute an optimum which corresponds to the measured trait value.

Notes for chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17

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Additional considerations.

Trade-offs and optimality represent only one of many themes for analyzing adaptation.  The authors of our text have chosen to devote a chapter to this theme, but other themes are just as deserving of consideration.

The theme of arms races is central to coevolution between predators and prey (or between parasites and hosts).  

The "arms race" metaphor, of course, comes from human military affairs, most notably the build-up of nuclear weapons in the U.S.A. and the former Soviet Union.  

The basic idea is that selection promotes adaptations by prey (or hosts) to defend against predation (or parasitism), while selection also promotes adaptations by predators (or parasites) to overcome prey (or host) defenses.  Adaptation by either of the "opposed" parties constitutes increased selective pressure on the other party to counteract such adaptation.

The essentially endless quality of the resulting escalation is captured by Leigh Van Valen's Red Queen Hypothesis, in which organisms avoid extinction only if they are able to continue evolving.

Symbiosis (or mutualism) is another major theme in evolutionary adaptation, again involving coevolution, in which organisms become ever more intensively dependent upon one another.  The coevolved traits are then favorable to all parties.

Familiar examples symbiotic interdependence include the algae and fungi which comprise lichens, flowering plants and the insects which pollinate them, and people and their intestinal bacteria.

Many biologists believe that eukaryotic cells represent ancient symbioses among several once-independent organisms.  Mitochondria and chloroplasts both carry relict DNA that hints at their early, independent prokaryotic existence.  

Relationships established by coevolution are often unstable.  In order to further their own survival and reproduction, parasites can evolve toward reduced harm to their hosts while hosts can evolve to derive some gain from the parasite.  This can convert a host-parasite relationship into mutualistic relationship.  Conversely, mutualistic relationships can break down into host-parasite relationships if either party finds a way to increase its own reproductive success by exploiting the partner without providing any benefit in return.  

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Comments and questions: dgking@siu.edu
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SIUC / College of Science / Zoology / Faculty / David King / ZOOL 304
URL: http://www.science.siu.edu/zoology/king/304/ch08.htm
Last updated:  25 March 2003 / dgk